With Ambire wallet you can do multiple actions - deposit, transfer cryptocurrency, swap one cryptocurrency for another or earn interest on your deposits through one of the earning options we have integrated. And this is just the beginning! We are planning on introducing a lot more interesting features in the future.
You can find a history of all your transactions executed with Ambire Wallet in the Transactions tab on the left side menu. In this tutorial you can find information on how to read your transaction history.
How to view and read Confirmed transactions:
Step 1: Go to the Transactions tab on the left side menu
Step 2: Click on the small arrow next to a transaction of your choice
Step 3: View more details about your transaction from the dropdown window
The information you will be able to see about each transaction is the following:
- All outgoing transactions, including sending and swapping cryptocurrency
- Address which was involved in the transaction
- Transaction hash
- Date on which the transaction was executed
- Fee which was needed for the transaction to take place
- Block explorer, in which you can find additional information about your transaction
Please keep in mind that at the moment only outgoing transactions are added to your history. You will not be able to see incoming transactions.
How to view and read Waiting transactions:
With Ambire Wallet you can batch multiple transactions and sign them altogether so that you can optimise your transaction fees spendings. If you are attempting to batch transactions or have an old transaction that needs to be signed/rejected you can see them by going to the Transactions tab in the left side menu and continue with signing/rejecting waiting transactions.
How to view and read Pending transactions:
Pending transactions are transactions that are waiting to be executed. The delay for execution can be due to various reasons, such as a chosen lower gas fee or a congested network. There are a few options for such transactions - cancel, speed up or select a higher gas fee to ensure faster execution or modify the transaction.