There is only one staking pool available for $WALLET holders, and that is where the staking rewards are received and accumulated.
In return for a deposit of $WALLET tokens in the pool, the staker’s account gets funded with xWALLET staking tokens, proportionally to the value of $WALLET tokens staked; the xWALLET tokens represent each staker’s share in the pool. This will be their staking position, visible in the Ambire Wallet account dashboard.
When $WALLET tokens are deposited or rewards received in the staking pool, they get automatically distributed between active pool participants (existing stakers), proportionally to their respective stakes in the pool at that moment, adding them to the staker’s already existing xWALLET position.
Staking rewards will be auto-compounded to each staking bond. The rewards can also be viewed in the Earn tab of the Ambire Wallet, which will show the value of the staking position in $WALLET, meaning a total made of the initial staked tokens plus the tokens that are received as rewards.